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Sunset Sips

520 N Main Center St Charles
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Gentle thoughts for a New Year
The holidays are over, and you may be breathing a huge sigh of relief that you made it through those stressful days. Now it is a new year, a fresh start, and some grieving parents find the beginning of a new year just as difficult as the holiday season. It isn’t always easy in the best of times getting through the long, dreary winter, and when you are grieving, winter can seem endless. During the shorter, darker days of winter, it may seem as if spring will never arrive, just as you may feel as if the darkness in your heart will never ease. It may seem next to impossible to feel hopeful during the long winter months. Amid grief, just as in the midst of a frigid, icy winter, it can take a great deal of effort to appreciate or find even the most minuscule things to enjoy. Yet if you do make the effort, you will probably find small yet lovely things all around you. We challenge you to take a few moments each day to seek out something that will bring you some happiness, make you smile,…
Wave of Light
Have you experienced the tragic death of a baby during pregnancy or as a newborn? Has someone you love experienced the tragic death of a baby during pregnancy or as a newborn? Do you know that beginning in 2003, October 15 has been designated as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day? Do you know that October 15 is also known as The International Wave of Light? On October 15 of each year, bereaved families and those who love them light a candle at 7 PM and leave it burning for one hour. This creates a wave of light that travels around the world for 24 hours in memory and honor of beloved babies who aren’t in their loved one’s arms but are never far from their hearts. If you have experienced the death of a baby or if you love someone who has, we invite you to light a candle on Tuesday, October 15 at 7 PM. We also invite you to share a photo of your burning candle on social media using the hashtags #SHAREWOL24 or #WOL24. We look forward to seeing how you remember and honor the…
October - Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month
Fall…this one word can bring to mind many different things…piles of crunchy leaves, apple pie, football, cozy sweaters and evenings around the fire. Many people greet fall with open arms and welcome the change of season. However, when you are a parent grieving the death of your baby, the change of seasons can be difficult because it can feel as if time is marching on, while for you, life has come to a standstill. Summer giving way to fall can be an especially challenging time as we head into the colder season of shorter days and times centered around children, such as back to school and Halloween.
Glimmers of Hope
One of the things most people do not “get” about why losing a baby is so hard is because they don’t understand that you lost the future you had planned with your child as he or she grew up. They don’t understand that you will most likely yearn for your child at all different phases of life. We all want the too-short lives of our babies to mean something, and following are some ways you can find hope after your devastating loss, whether your loss was recent or long ago. Some of these may seem a bit awkward or unnatural at first, but once you find even a few ways to make your baby an important part of your life, it will soon feel natural. Try not to feel overwhelmed, and don’t feel guilty if you are not ready to do any of these things yet. *Talk about your baby, say your baby’s name. Share his or her story whenever you feel comfortable. *Make something in honor of your baby. Creating a shadow box, crocheting a blanket or planning a memorial garden can be healing and keep your…

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Posted on 06/27/2024
walk video
Posted on 04/22/2024
Sunset Sips April 19, 2024
Posted on 11/29/2023
Comfort Grief Room #babyloss #childloss #hope #love #infantloss #octoberawareness
Posted on 10/12/2023
NYPD WOL Share 1920x1080 4K 1
Posted on 09/22/2023
Color Street is raising awareness for pregnancy & infant loss!